"An open source geospatial implementation case study from the Energy sector"
Sam Franklin
GIS Manager @
Why am I here
Be a good
open source citizen
act1-what we did first
act2-what we're doing now
act3-what worked/ what failed / what's next
>> Is this PDF the latest version?
>> No, I thought Bob emailed you?
>> Bob's on holiday
licence frustration
real time data
< quick deployment
Great, what do we need and how?
non WGS CRS support
outsource or on-prem ArcGIS Server?
or arcgis online =! time, cost, licencing prohibitive
open source gives you access to the ingredients
the wall of terror
deployed £35/pm hosted GeoServer + postgis server
very capable
mentoring from
"If you are not embarrassed by the first version of your product, you've launched too late."
-- Reid Hoffman
Minimal Viable Product
what then?
got some clients
hired a geospatial web developer. Yay! [Thank goodness]
version 2.1.7 of
server apps
client side = JQuery/Bootstrap + OpenLayers2
custom measure/travel time control
custom dashboards via Highcharts
multi-source realtime vessel tracking with history
file explorer UI and map interaction
navigation TMS + our own custom rolled marine TMS
...using tilemill // mapnik xml // mapproxy = sweet.
Tiled CAD? Yes. Seriously. Be careful of distortion
eyes open
multi-area xyz
complex extent xyz
bash +
ogr2ogr makes for a happy database
enterprise postgreSQL
QGIS implementation
ill-thought out
Free as in Freedom 'to fail'
M.E.A.Nfullstack JavaScript with NoSQL for application data
How to contribute?
"Do what you can, with what you have, where you are"
Theodore Roosevelt